Print variation image

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  • #530
    Emmanuelle Cocqueel

    I would like to print product variation image instead of image thumbnail. How can I do that ?
    Thank you,


    I am sorry, ProductPrint Pro does not support printing variation images at this time. Variation text is output, in tabulated format.
    Please post a link to your site so I may see the product page and look into whether it is feasible to add variation images in your case.

    Emmanuelle Cocqueel

    link is
    I am going to try to modifify your plugin, see if I manage to do it, so if you can point me to the right direction I would be grateful.
    Thank you,


    I intend to update the plug-in so that what is printed more accurately reflects the selection made on the product page – for example if you select a product variation and this changes the main image, then the changed image, showing the variation selected, should be printed. This will be in the next update.

    I am not sure that this is what you require though. You would like a gallery of all product variations to replace the image gallery? Could you just add the product variation images to the image gallery? If you do not want the gallery to show on the product page you can quite easily suppress the output of the gallery with css.


    ProductPrint Pro 1.5 will now print the variation image if one exists, and the user has selected a variation. To update to ProductPrint Pro 1.5, first activate your license from the license tab, then go to the dashboard – > updates and you should see ProductPrint Pro listed as having an update available. Update the plug-in and then you should find that you are able to print variation images.

    Once you have updated to v 1.5 you will also find that updating the plug-in is easier because you will see an ‘update available’ message on the plug-ins page of the dashboard, whenever an update is released.

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