One of my clients (actually more than one) has had issues viewing their site using Internet Explorer. This site is viewable, it just looks different – and not as good. It’s fine in Google Chrome, and Firefox. But not Internet Explorer. So I wondered whether Internet Explorer is still as popular as it once was – dominating the browser popularity stakes.
I’ve posted the results over on my portfolio site, click this link to see these browser popularity stats.
The upshot is that Internet Explorer is losing ground rapidly, with Google Chrome on the up. Which is the best browser? It depends on your needs. I’m sticking with Firefox for now because it has the best web developer plug-ins, in my opinion.
I’ll still be checking how my Togethernet websites appear when viewed with Internet Explorer, but if you’ve always used Explorer and not tried an alternative, I recommend you experiment with a different browser. It may well improve your use of the Internet.
You can get Chrome here.
And get Firefox here.